
Savoir Vivre Vignettes

Emotional First Aid: Healing the Invisible Wounds Within

Emotional First Aid: Healing the Invisible Wounds Within

What do you do when you are emotionally injured? Do you realise when you need emotional First Aid? When you accidentally cut yourself while preparing your dinner, you know that you need to stop what you are doing, wash your...
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Starting Fresh: Making Monday Mornings more bearable with Coffee and Journaling

Starting Fresh: Making Monday Mornings more bearable with Coffee and Journaling

#MoreMeaningfulMondays Series It's Monday morning. Again. I'm still at it, trying to help you (and me!) get through Mondays, and not only get through Mondays, but make Mondays a bit more MEANINGFUL. I like to set myself challenges. Monday mornings...
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Crafting Your Perfect Summer: Journal to Manifesting Your Dream Season

Crafting Your Perfect Summer: Journal to Manifesting Your Dream Season

Radiate Your Best Self: Cultivate Physical and Mental Wellbeing this Summer #SavoirVivreVignettes Good morning! I wish each and every one of you un très bon Dimanche! It's FINALLY summer here in the southwest of France - we had one last...
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Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong, you’ll always find it

Don’t walk through the world looking for evidence that you don’t belong, you’ll always find it

Recommended TED talk of the month – lasts 10 minutes – June 2023 Bréné Brown's The power of vulnerability - it is such a powerful message that I felt compelled to share part of it there. So many of the...
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Emotional Resilience: Finding Strength from the Herd During Life Transitions

Emotional Resilience: Finding Strength from the Herd During Life Transitions

Introduction 7-minute read Audio Recording When asked what I do, here in the deepest rural southwest of France, I usually reply that I host retreats, onsite but also online, for those who can't escape to the south of France at...
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11 FAQs About Online Retreats Inspired by Horses: Everything You Need to Know

11 FAQs About Online Retreats Inspired by Horses: Everything You Need to Know

. Since the pandemic, I have been working on making my retreats available online. I thought onlining the Camino de Santiago hikes would be the most difficult part, but it turned out to be the easiest. There already exists virtual...
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What did I learn from my Horses this week? My Strengths

What did I learn from my Horses this week? My Strengths

#SavoirVivreVignette . My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.” —Jane Austen. How to identify my strengths I have just launched a new online retreat called "Create Your Life Purpose" - the content is largely based on what...
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How to figure out your life purpose in 5 minutes

How to figure out your life purpose in 5 minutes

Recommended TED talk of the month – lasts 10 minutes – April 2023 This 10 min 28 seconds TED talk by Adam Leipzig has 232 000 likes on Youtube, and for very good reason too - it is literally life-changing. I...
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How to Detect Burnout

How to Detect Burnout

We can detect burnout early, merely by paying attention to what others are saying, and to what we are saying to ourselves. These statements can indicate impending burnout
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Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.

Body language affects how others see us, but it may also change how we see ourselves.

Recommended TED talk of the month - lasts 20 minutes - March 2023 Wednesday was International Women's Day - a celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for...
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If You Have Never Been On A Retreat Before…

If You Have Never Been On A Retreat Before… may wonder why. people go on retreats. . These days, a variety of people go on retreats, for a variety of reasons. There are many different types of retreats: Yogis who are interested in practising yoga might go on a yoga...
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Burnout seriously inhibits Creativity and Productivity

Burnout seriously inhibits Creativity and Productivity

The average American takes only half of their allocated prevent burnout, we need to redesign our workday around creativity - not just producitvity
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Slow Travel: Making the most of your next Travel Opportunity

Slow Travel: Making the most of your next Travel Opportunity

. Sitting at home, thinking of all the places I wish I could travel to, I amuse myself by making lists of the places I would like to visit, as soon as it is possible again. I entertain the members...
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Solo Slow Travel: Best Option for Introverts

Solo Slow Travel: Best Option for Introverts

What is Slow Travel? As the third wave of the pandemic starts to flatten here in France, I come across more and more articles about Solo Slow Travel. Slow travel is a mindset that encourages travellers to take their time,...
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Blog Posts before October 2023

Blog Posts before October 2023

Previous Posts Click Here to read previous posts of this of this blog
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