featuring equine-guided mindfulness meditation
by Dr Margaretha Montagu
“Mindfulness is the aware, balanced acceptance of the present experience. It isn’t more complicated than that. It is opening to or receiving the present moment, pleasant or unpleasant, just as it is, without either clinging to it or rejecting it.” Sylvia Boorstein
Mindfulness and Meditation Options is the accompanying workbook of the Mindfulness and Meditation Retreats that I host here in the south of France. It is different from other books about mindfulness and meditation in five unique ways: Why read a book about Mindfulness and Meditation? Because mindfulness
- enables you to deal with distractions more effectively so that you can concentrate easily and increase your productivity both at home and at work
- makes you more creative and so that you can solve problems faster as it helps you to let go of doubts that might otherwise block your creativity
- helps you to sleep better at night so that you are not tired all the time and can get a lot more done during the day.
- enhances your mental agility and alertness, increases cognitive recall and protects you from memory loss as you get older
- gives you time to think before you act, making it easier to control your anger and listen more effectively so that you get on better with family, friends and colleagues
- dramatically lowers your stress levels so that you can cope effectively with the challenges that come your way. It also makes you physically and mentally healthier and more resilient while helping you avoid the damage stress can do to our minds and bodies
- makes you more compassionate towards others and towards yourself so that you can accept yourself, forgive yourself and love yourself just as you are
In short, mindfulness and meditation can make your life much easier.

Why read this book about Mindfulness and Meditation?
Because it differs from other books about mindfulness and meditation in five unique ways: -Using a simple questionnaire, it will help you choose the meditation method will work best for you. Meditation is not a one-size-fits-all exercise. We are all different, we each have to find a meditation method that suits us, mentally and physically. -This book with help you solve real-life problems. In each chapter of this book, an everyday person, just like you, with everyday challenges explains his/her problem.
- There is someone who struggles to lose weight and keep it off,
- there is someone with relationship problems,
- there is someone who cannot sleep,
- there is someone with an overwhelmingly stressful job,
- there is someone whose new business is faltering,
- there is someone who is trying to make a long-treasured dream come true,
- there is someone who wants to grow spiritually…and several more. Each chapter explains how mindfulness and meditation can help each of these people solve their problem.
-For all those of you who have always been drawn to horses, this book contains a chapter about equine-guided meditation, one of the most popular mindfulness meditation methods we introduce our Connect with Horses Personal Empowerment workshop participants to. -The e-book version is an interactive and practical aid – each chapter contains a selection of links to further resources, carefully chosen to help the reader discover and experience the various meditation methods presented. There are also links to scientific studies that back up the effectiveness of the methods described in the book.
-If you struggle with sitting meditation, this book introduces you to a variety of other options like walking meditation, working meditation, writing meditation, music meditation, visualisation meditation, contemplative meditation and gratitude meditation. I have written this book because I believe that mindfulness and meditation are effective stress management strategies that can help practitioners avoid the physical and mental damage that stress can cause. That is why it is of primordial importance to me to help you find a meditation method that suits you, that you will be able to incorporate into your daily life without having to sacrifice too much of your precious time and that you will be able to If you would like to find out more about mindfulness and meditation and how it can benefit you in a practical and sustainable way, this is the book for you.
This book will introduce you to the tools, mindfulness and meditation, that you need to completely transform your life into exactly what you want it to be. You can buy this book right here from my website, either using PayPal or your credit card and start reading it within minutes. If you buy your book here, I will receive 90% of what you pay instead of less than the 30% I receive when you buy from online bookshops. Just click on Buy Now below:
About the Author
Dr Margaretha Montagu is an experienced medical doctor, a certified NLP practitioner, a medical hypnotherapist and an equine-assisted psychotherapist (EAGALA level II). She has worked in a variety of disciplines including psychiatry and general practice. Articles about her work have been published in Horse and Rider magazine, in Chronicles of the Horse and in the Guardian newspaper (UK).
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“In the end, just three things matter: How well we have lived. How well we have loved. How well we have learned to let go.” Jack Kornfield
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