Free Resources

You may have come across the saying, “The more you give, the more you receive.”

In essence, I think that it is true, although I would amend it slightly, “The more you give, without expecting anything in return, the more you receive.”

My Free Resources page is about giving without expecting anything in return. Every resource on this page has been curated/created by me personally, I am convinced that each resource will also be of use to you. As always, my horses (past and present, and maybe future) hover on the sidelines with inspiration, guidance, support and motivation.

I have created (and I keep adding to) this page as a 100% free gift – you do not even have to surrender your email address to be able to download these resources.

I would, of course, be infinitely grateful if you would subscribe to my Savoir Vivre Vignettes newsletter, to receive notification of last-minute or early-bird special offers on all my retreats, get access to my free 7-part Manifest a Stressfree Life online retreat and to download my free Ten Top Tips to Make your next Retreat your Best Ever e-guide.

Grateful Giving Series

Free Colouring Book: Mindful Moments: Meditative Colour Therapy Adult Stress-busting Colouring Book

11-page free worksheet: Coping with Change Checklist and Cheat Sheet with the 12-page free bonus, the Calm Mindfulness Journal

30+ free thought-provoking, possibly life-changing and largely horse-inspired articles to help you unlock your full potential: Article Archive – including an article on how to taste wine ;D

How to Make Your Life More Meaningful free Infografic, Worksheet and Guided Meditation by dr M Montagu

Journaling can be a powerful and versatile method to reduce stress. It offers a safe space to work through thoughts, emotions, and experiences. Try these 50 Journaling Prompts for Effective Stress Management

Free 6-page pdf: Instant Confidence Boosting worksheet and the free bonus 26-page Little Book of Mindfulness

#MoreMeaningfulMondays – Find uplifting Monday Morning messages on Mondays via Pinterest, Instagram and LinkedIn

Recommended Mind-expanding Monthly TED Talks – At the beginning of each month on Margaretha Montagu’s Blog (see below)

Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

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