11 FAQs About Online Retreats Inspired by Horses: Everything You Need to Know

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Since the pandemic, I have been working on making my retreats available online. I thought onlining the Camino de Santiago hikes would be the most difficult part, but it turned out to be the easiest. There already exists virtual Camino de Santiago Challenges and my favourite is the Conqueror Series of Virtual Challenges (https://www.theconqueror.events/camino/) The app maps your progress virtually along the Camino de Santiago. Great motivation to walk every day! Every time you go for a walk, you advance on the map. You can also explore your virtual surroundings on StreetView as if you are actually walking the Camino de Santiago.

The horse activities were more difficult to move online, but I persevered because although I enjoy the other retreats, I intend to shift my focus solely onto the horse retreats, including the “Teach Mindfulness and Meditation with Horses Trainingonsite and online.

You may be thinking: “How does that work?” Below I answer the 11 most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Esprit Meraki’s Online Retreats facilitated by horses:

  1. What is an online retreat? An online retreat is a type of retreat that is accessed online, much like an online course. Esprit Meraki’s Online Retreats, designed by Dr Margaretha Montagu, cover a wide variety of topics ranging from Hoofbeates to the Heart: Creating Your Life Purpose Guided by Horses to Teaching Mindfulness and Meditation with Horses, and more.
  2. How do I participate in an online retreat? To participate in an online retreat, you need to register, choose the level of support you would like and then pay the associated fee. You will also need access to a computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection.
  3. Do I need to have prior experience with horses to participate in an online retreat inspired by horses? No, prior experience with horses is not required. The retreats are designed for individuals of all experience levels, including those who have never interacted with horses before.
  4. What type of activities can I expect to participate in during an Esprit Meraki online retreat with horses? Activities may include guided meditations, mindfulness practices, insight-giving assignments, and audio/video recordings.
  5. Can I participate in one of these online retreats if I don’t have a horse? Yes, absolutely, you do not need to have access to a horse in order to participate in these online retreats, except for the Teaching Mindfulness and Meditation with Horses Training.
  6. What are the benefits of an online retreat? The benefits of an online retreat include its convenience, cost savings, easy access to high-quality teachers and teachings, and the ability to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world.
  7. Can I interact with other participants during an online retreat? Yes, you can interact with other participants by reading and commenting on the course content as well as in my Retreat to ReConnect Facebook group.
  8. Are online retreats with horses as effective as in-person retreats? While online retreats may not offer the same level of physical interaction with horses as in-person retreats, they can still be highly effective in promoting personal growth. You can get an idea by accessing the open sections of each course.
  9. What if I have technical difficulties during an online retreat? Most online retreats provide technical support to help participants resolve any issues they may encounter during the retreat. Just send an email to espritmeraki@gmail.com if you get stuck.
  10. Are these online retreats suitable for beginners? Yes, these online retreats are designed for beginners, as well as intermediate and advanced students and especially offer a supportive environment for those who are new to online retreats.
  11. Is there a way I can gift this retreat to a friend or family member? Yes! What a thoughtful idea! You would just need to input their email address on the retreat registration form. Once you have paid the fee, the email you have submitted on the form will receive the retreat link.
My Hoofbeats to Your Heart’s Calling: Finding Your Life Purpose with Horses Online Retreat is finally live: CLICK HERE to find out more about it.

I would love to hear from you and I would love to stay in contact! I publish the Savoir Vivre Vignette newsletter from time to time, with news from our life here in the south of France, as well as last-minute/early-bird special offers on my online and onsite retreats. If you subscribe, I’ll send you my newsletter, when I get round to writing it (life with horses, you know…unpredictable) as well as my e-guide Top 10 Tips to Make Your Next Retreat Your Best Retreat Ever – works for all online and onsite retreats (not just mine!)


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