Christmas Calendar Countdown Day 15

The Magic of Shared Laughter

Laughter is one of the quickest ways to strengthen friendships. In the midst of life’s challenges, a shared joke or a moment of silliness can lighten the load and bring you closer to your friends.

This holiday season, let laughter be your gift. Seek out moments of joy, whether it’s through funny holiday movies, playful traditions, or simply sharing a funny memory with a friend.

Journaling Prompt: What’s a memory that always makes you laugh with a friend? How can you recreate or celebrate that joy this season?

Action Step: Share a laugh with a friend today—send them a funny meme, recall an inside joke, or invite them to watch a holiday comedy with you.

Interactive Comment: Ready to spread laughter? Comment with “Laughing all the way!”

Would you like to find out what type of friend YOU are? How well do you know your friends? If you and a new friend really are compatible? I have created a set of light-hearted quizzes, quotes and questions to help you do just that.


– How well do you know your Friends? Quiz

– What is Your Friendship Style? and Are your Friendship Styles compatible? Quiz

– 20 of the Most Inspiring Friends and Friendship Quotes and

– 20 lighthearted Questions you can ask to get to know a new Friend

Just fill in the form below and discover how to build meaningful, lasting friendships and create a support system that truly has your back—delivered straight to your inbox!

I put the essence of who I am, and everything I have experienced that makes me who I am, with great enthusiasm, into my retreats, courses and books. – Dr Margaretha Montagu (MBChB, MRCGP, NLP master pract (cert,) Transformational Life Coach (dip,) Life Story Coach (cert) Counselling (cert,) Med Hypnotherapy (dip) and EAGALA (cert)

#christmascountdown #friends #friendsforever #friendsforlife #friendship #friendshipquotes

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