
Savoir Vivre Vignettes

Starting a business as an Introvert and an Empath

Starting a business as an Introvert and an Empath

Understanding the Unique Challenges Recently, I read that "starting a business is a daunting task for anyone, but for introverts who are also empaths, it can feel impossible. The unique combination of introvert and empath in one mind, presents a...
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The Essential Traits of a Transformational Retreat Host

The Essential Traits of a Transformational Retreat Host

Mastering the Art of Hosting Transformational Retreats: Combining Personal Insight, Professional Skills, and Practical Abilities Sometimes, as retreat hosts and leaders, we often get lost in the details of everything we want to share with our guests. We know we...
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If You Want to Stress Less, Find Your Life Purpose

If You Want to Stress Less, Find Your Life Purpose

“The great and glorious masterpiece of man is to live with purpose.” - Michel de Montaigne Make Finding Your Life Purpose a Priority Knowing my purpose in life, during the various stages of my career, and especially during major career changes...
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Introverts and Empaths Grieve Differently

Introverts and Empaths Grieve Differently

How to Stay Strong When You Lose a Loved One My mission is to help people through life challenges and transitions, like divorces, empty nests, voluntary and involuntary career changes, redundancies, losing loved ones etc. My beautiful Barzoi, Arcady Nikolai,...
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Camino de Santiago Walking Retreat: Essential Tips for Preparation, Participation, and Post-Retreat Integration

Camino de Santiago Walking Retreat: Essential Tips for Preparation, Participation, and Post-Retreat Integration

What can I, as a guest do to ensure that my retreat is transformational - before, during and after my retreat? You have finally decided that if you don't take a break now, you will end up so burnt out...
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You Have the Courage to Begin Again

You Have the Courage to Begin Again

Take a Deep Breath. Pick Yourself Up, Dust Yourself Off and Start Again. Life has a way of throwing curveballs that can knock us off course, whether it's a career setback, a relationship ending, or a personal loss. In those...
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Lost Your Way? The Benefits of Walking the Camino de Santiago Retreats During Major Life Challenges

Lost Your Way? The Benefits of Walking the Camino de Santiago Retreats During Major Life Challenges

Hesitating at the Crossroads: A New Beginning Picture this: You're standing at the edge of a dense forest, the path behind you swallowed by mist, and the road ahead twisting into who-knows-where. Life can feel like that sometimes—especially when you're...
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Understanding Mother Hunger: Identifying, Addressing, and Nurturing Your Emotional Needs

Understanding Mother Hunger: Identifying, Addressing, and Nurturing Your Emotional Needs

Mother Hunger: Walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela can provide Answers to your Questions A couple of my retreat guests this year, who came to my little farm here in the southwest of France, primarily to walk the Camino...
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I Want to Make a Success of my Career or Business, What Should My Morning Routine Look Like?

I Want to Make a Success of my Career or Business, What Should My Morning Routine Look Like?

I have always been a morning person, so I was not too seriously inconvenienced, in my fifties, when I had to start over and create the mother-of-all morning routine to help me manifest the life I wanted to live, from...
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No Matter How Much of an Introvert You Are, You Can Be a Successful Business Owner

No Matter How Much of an Introvert You Are, You Can Be a Successful Business Owner

Harness Your Unique Strengths to Build a Thriving Business In a world that often glorifies the extroverted hustle, it’s easy for introverts to feel overshadowed. Networking events, public speaking, and constant social interactions can seem like insurmountable hurdles. However, being...
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Life Lessons from a Penniless Pâtissière

Life Lessons from a Penniless Pâtissière

How Cupcakes and a Houseplant (called Fred) Helped One Woman Conquer Imposter Syndrome Life's most profound lessons often come at inconvenient times and from unexpected sources. As we work our way through crises, challenges and changes, we encounter experiences that...
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Is It More Difficult to Start a Business as an Extrovert or an Introvert?

Is It More Difficult to Start a Business as an Extrovert or an Introvert?

Or As Neither of the above? As a business owner, it can be useful to know if you are an extrovert or an introvert, as each category has its own strengths and weaknesses. Extroverts and introverts approach the starting and...
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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Nature’s Stress Management Strategies

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Nature’s Stress Management Strategies

Discover How Nature Can Save Your Sanity (and Your Startup) "Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer’s day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across...
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The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mental Gymnastics

The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Mental Gymnastics

Flipping Fears and Leaping Over Obstacles with a Growth Mindset - How Cultivating a Growth Mindset Can Propel Your Business Forward Running a business is no walk in the park, no matter how long you have been in the running....
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The RAS ( Reticular Activating System) Advantage: Leveraging Your Brain’s Filtering System for Career Success

The RAS ( Reticular Activating System) Advantage: Leveraging Your Brain’s Filtering System for Career Success

The Reticular Activating System (RAS) can play a crucial role in advancing your career by enhancing focus, awareness, problem-solving and decision-making. Ever since I was a young doctor working in an extremely busy city hospital at the start of my...
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Rest: The Essential (but Often Missing) Ingredient in Your Self-Care Recipe

Rest: The Essential (but Often Missing) Ingredient in Your Self-Care Recipe

Ever wonder why you feel more irritable and less productive despite working harder? On the point of collapsing from exhaustion, I realised something crucial: my relentless pursuit of success was costing me my health. I discovered that rest, quality as...
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Mindfulness: A Solution for Imposter Syndrome

Mindfulness: A Solution for Imposter Syndrome

From Self-Doubt to Self-Confidence Imagine standing on the precipice of a significant career milestone, your achievements lauded by your peers, when suddenly, an insidious voice whispers, "You're a fraud." This is the haunting reality of many people with imposter syndrome,...
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Mindfulness for Introverts: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

Mindfulness for Introverts: Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

How Introverts Can Benefit from Adjusted Mindfulness Techniques If you are an introvert, you might find it difficult to master mindfulness. Mindfulness is a powerful practice that can offer significant benefits, but introverts may face unique difficulties when trying to...
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An Introvert’s Guide to Coping with a Major Life Crisis

An Introvert’s Guide to Coping with a Major Life Crisis

. Picture this: a serene lakeside cabin, nestled deep in the woods, where the only sounds are the whisper of the wind through the trees and the gentle ripple of water over cobbles. For an introvert, this is paradise. Now,...
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How to order a Hamburger in France

How to order a Hamburger in France

. Every Tuesday evening, my Manifest Your Next Chapter retreat guests and I go to a local bistro to support the still-flagging local economy, post-Covid. Most of the options on the menu include duck, in some form or another, but...
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Creating Financial Independence during a Life Transition

Creating Financial Independence during a Life Transition

Strategies for Women Rebuilding Their Lives During Major Life Events I felt a bit of a fraud when I started writing this article. Who am I to give others financial advice? I was going through a major life upheaval though,...
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A New Definition of Success: Finding Fulfillment in Life Transitions

A New Definition of Success: Finding Fulfillment in Life Transitions

Did you know that nearly half of successful people reconsider their career paths after a major life event? In an age of transformation, discover how personal stories of triumph over adversity are reshaping our understanding of true achievement. As you...
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Getting Motivated to Declutter During Life Transitions

Getting Motivated to Declutter During Life Transitions

Coping with Life Changes, Challenges and Transitions Series Theresa stood in the middle of her living room, surrounded by piles of paperwork from years gone by, dusty stacks of old newspapers and magazines, bulging boxes of "fat" clothes and "thin"...
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Time For A Change

Time For A Change

I want to start this email by thanking all those wonderful people who have written to me after my last email: I can’t tell you how heartwarming it was to receive your encouraging responses. The consensus was: "You do You."...
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Manifestation Journal Prompts

Manifestation Journal Prompts

Having experimented with the Law of Attraction and having been thoroughly disillusioned more than a decade ago, I have had little time for the idea ever since. Recently, a friend mentioned Human Design, and knowing nothing about it, I decided...
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Retreat to a Refuge and Discover Your Sanctuary Away from Home

Retreat to a Refuge and Discover Your Sanctuary Away from Home

Relax, Rejuvenate, and Rediscover Yourself in the foothills of the Pyrenées Mountains A retreat should be a refuge: somewhere you can escape to, a place where you feel safe, seen and heard. I mentioned that I run old-fashioned retreats that...
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Vintage Escapes: The Irresistible Allure of Retro Retreats

Vintage Escapes: The Irresistible Allure of Retro Retreats

Experience Vintage Charm with Modern Comforts I host old-fashioned retreats. An old-fashioned retreat is one with a rustic charm reminiscent of a bygone era, where guests can escape the modern world's fast pace and engage in traditional activities like nature...
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Why Choose a Private Retreat for Your Next Getaway?

Why Choose a Private Retreat for Your Next Getaway?

How Private Retreats Can Revolutionize Your Well-being I have been hosting small group Camino de Santiago hiking retreats for more than a decade, here at my house in the southwest of France. Last week, I came across this post in...
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Ditch the Act: Fake it until you make it

Ditch the Act: Fake it until you make it

Don't Fake It Until You Make It, Face It Until You Make It In the world of personal development, the phrase "fake it until you make it" has been widely circulated as a mantra for success. It suggests that we...
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Silent Walking: Your Guide to Mindful Movement

Silent Walking: Your Guide to Mindful Movement

A Moving Meditation for Stress Reduction and Inner Harmony In our modern world, filled with constant noise and distractions, a "new" trend has emerged called "silent walking," and it's all about escaping the chaos that surrounds us. I had to...
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