A Meaningful Life – Part 2

VIP View: A Simple Daily Habit to Start Living with More Meaning

Did you get round to taking the How Meaningful Is Your Life? Quiz? If not, you can do so now by clicking here.

I created the quiz to help you shift your focus inward so that you can identify what genuinely makes you happy.

Living a meaningful life makes me happy, but I have noticed that it’s not exactly effortless. 😀

It needs daily input and effort, and some days my motivation deserts me.

That’s when I remind myself of the “hidden” benefits of living a meaningful life:

  • It gives your life direction, especially in difficult times.
  • It makes you more resilient.
  • Which makes you healthier.
  • And live longer.
  • It makes it easier to connect and create strong bonds with others.
  • Which makes you feel grateful for life itself, no matter how imperfect.
  • It inspires you to share your gifts with the world.
  • It empowers you to be YOU, unapologetically.
  • It gives you PEACE.

I started hosting my literally life-changing Camino de Santiago de Compostela walking retreats here at my little farm in the south of France during a major life crisis, to provide for myself and my horses, and I got more from the experience than I ever dreamed I would.

I discovered how much it means to me to impact the lives of others.

My ultimate motivation for living a meaningful life is, en fait, the impact it has on the lives of others.

I’d like to invite you to download a complementary aide-memoire (pdf) called “Make your Life More Meaningful” here

I have recorded a “Make your Life More Meaningful” meditation that you can listen to here – a simple daily habit to make your life more meaningful from the first day.

Creating a meaningful life, aligned with your values, your vision, your interests and your actual priorities is perfectly possible. If you are interested, I’ll show you how I did it and how you can do it too.

More in my next email.

Download this post as a PDF

“I am an experienced medical doctor (MBChB, MRCGP, NLP master pract cert, Transformational Life Coach dip, Counselling cert, Med Hyp Dip and EAGALA cert) with a special interest in stress management. I may have an impressive number of letters after my name, and I may have more than three decades of professional experience, but what qualifies me to excel at what I do is my intuitive understanding of my clients’ difficulties and my extensive personal experience of managing major life changes using strategies I developed over many years” Dr M Montagu – iNFINITE iMPACT

Dr Margaretha Montagu

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