0 Manifest Your Next Chapter while Camino Walking Retreat in the SouthWest of France

Whether you are 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 or 90, you can start over and manifest a new chapter in your life.

Whether you are struggling to get through a divorce, start a new business, change careers, cope with an empty nest, move and start a new life elsewhere, accept a difficult diagnosis, get over the loss of a loved one, look after ageing parents or settle into retirement…you absolutely can get through this life transition and manifest a sparkling new chapter in your life.

Join us for a Manifest Your Next Chapter retreat on a little farm amongst the lush vineyards of southwest France, in the presence of a small herd of Friesian and Falabella horses, hosted by a medical doctor with more than a decade of experience leading stress management retreats.

If you are stuck in the middle of a life crisis/challenge/change, you may have realised that you need to take some time out to rest and relax, before your sky-high stress levels permanently damage your health.

Knowing how to manage stress during a life transition is crucial for maintaining physical and mental health.

Poor stress management may lead to conflict, communication breakdowns, and emotional distancing. Effective stress management techniques can foster healthier relationships, help us communicate more effectively, and navigate conflicts more constructively.

Stress can impair cognitive function, attention, and decision-making abilities, leading to decreased productivity and performance. Managing stress effectively can enable us to stay focused, maintain mental clarity, and perform optimally in various areas of life.

Join us for a Manifest Your Next Chapter retreat if you are stressed to breaking point, on the verge of burnout, desperate to escape, feel mentally, physically and spiritually drained and unable to cope with the never-ending and ever-increasing demands made of you during this life transition/challenge/change.

At the end of this retreat, you will feel

  • Physically: Vibrantly alive, bursting with energy, fully rested, profoundly relaxed, rejuvenated, refreshed with all your batteries fully recharged,
  • Mentally: Centred, grounded, confident that you will get through this life transition, motivated and empowered to use the techniques you have been introduced to during the retreat to help you manifest your next chapter,
  • Spiritually: Inspired, uplifted and ready to make the next chapter in your life the best ever.

This retreat is for you if you

  • feel overworked, overwhelmed and exhausted, close to burnout, and you want to avoid permanent damage to your physical and psychological health,
  • want to develop effective coping strategies that can be incorporated seamlessly into your personal and professional life and empower you to make a difference in other people’s lives,
  • want to make your next chapter a happy, healthy and fulfilling one, full of purpose and meaning – in alignment with your unique talents, values and ideals.

Not sure what you want to do next

…but you do know that you want to make a difference.

If you don’t know how to get from where you are now to where you want to be, then Dr Margaretha Montagu’s Manifest Your Next Chapter Retreat – was created especially for you. Escape to the unspoiled and largely undiscovered southwest of France to an authentic, much-loved French farmhouse for 7 days of blissful contemplation of the life you are meant to live.

Let’s go to my local fresh food market to buy a still-warm-from-the-oven crusty baguette, succulent sun-ripened tomatoes and rich, creamy French cheese. Let’s sit down at this little table on the sidewalk, savour a fragrant café crème and eat our sandwiches while we watch my friends hustle and haggle to make sure they get the freshest ingredients for this evening’s dinner, while I share with you how I created a more meaningful, purposeful, impactful, fulfilling life for myself and how you can do it too.

If you’re feeling frustrated, depressed and trapped by your circumstances, if your life lacks direction or if you are standing at a crossroads, it’s time to focus on what makes YOU happy and make the changes you need to create a life that fills you with joie de vivre and empowers you to do what you’re meant to do. By the end of our 7 days together, you’ll be ready to dive into the exciting, inspiring, meaningful, rewarding and fulfilling next chapter of your life!

If you, like the French, love walking, then maybe walking the Camino de Santiago de Compostela is on your bucket list. Walking the Camino de Santiago can literally change your life – you can find solutions to problems, answers to questions and clarity on the way forward – just as thousands of hikers have before you, for the last 800 years. For most, it is an unforgettable and life-enhancing experience. During this retreat, you can walk parts of the Camino, without having to carry a heavy backpack or worry about where you are going to sleep each night. Walking the Camino will help you to choose the direction you want to take next in your life.

Vivre Intensionellement

Live Intentionally

Let’s fast forward to the end of the retreat that you have attended here at Maison Meraki. You are still à table, where you are savouring the last sip and morsel of the Celebratory Champagne Brunch, which was everything it promised to be and much more, d’ailleurs. You close your eyes, the sun warming your skin with a certain familiarity, while your thoughts drift…are you a different person from the person you were when you arrived?

No doubt about it, you have changed dramatically. You feel intensely alive, supremely self-confident, profoundly rested, serenely contented, positively radiant, intangibly irresistible, curiously chic, irrepressibly energetic, bien dans votre peau…  and at least ten years younger. The new you grabs every second of every minute of every hour of the day and squeezes every last ounce of meaning out of it. Filled with gratitude, you embrace your new meaningful, purposeful and fulfilling life and generously share your talents, gifts and skills with others.

Vivre l’Instant Présent

Live Mindfully


Prepare to be surprised, as each of your six senses comes fully alive.

It’s easier to live a meaningful life, if you know how to live a mindful life: mindful not just of what is going on in and around you, but also of how you react to what is happening, moment by moment, so that you’ll be able to deal with the challenges that come your way as you make the changes you want to make, without getting uberstressed.

To help you put mindfulness into practice, you to savour each precious instant, during your retreat you will :

  • Visit a French fresh food market, the best in the region, with its kaleidoscope of sights, sounds and smells awakening and seducing your senses to be mindful of your surroundings
  • Walk part of the often life-changing Camino de Santiago de Compostela -as much or as little of it as you want – to gain clarity. Discover how to do walking meditation while you walk the Camino, to focus your mind.
  • The opportunity to connect with my Friesian and Falabella horses during equine-guided mindfulness and meditation sessions to benefit from their intuitive and authentic wisdom. If you have always been fascinated by horses, and longed to connect with them on a deeper level but have always been intimidated by their size, this will be an unforgettable experience.
  • Taste some of the Gascony region’s exceptional wines, another feast for your senses.
  • Enjoy the very best food and wine that Gascony has to offer – by eating mindfully: Paella with an African twist, Tagine à la Française, Ratatouille aux 7 Epices served al fresco…your taste buds will think they are in seventh heaven.
  • Experience the not-to-be-missed under any circumstances Sunday Morning Breadmaking Ceremony
  • Indulge your sense of touch by staying in cool, light and airy rooms, with beds smothered in thick vintage bed linen and handmade boutis covers
  • Wild swimming in a crystal clear lake in the middle of an ancient oak forest
  • Forest bathing (also called shinrin-yoku or “taking in the forest atmosphere”) – an opportunity to immerse yourself and reconnect with nature
  • Use lush towels, homemade soaps, salts and candles, to make every bath/shower a sensual experience
  • To titillate your sense of hearing, the end-of-July/beginning-of-August retreat also includes a visit to an annual music festival, where you practice being mindful while listening to some mellow music and sipping a glass of Cote de Gascogne wine.

Prepare to be a different person by the time you have to tear yourself away from this profoundly restful and peaceful haven to return home.

Vivre Pleinement

Live Life to the Full

Your retreat host Dr Margaretha Montagu

Eh oui, because you also get me, the author of Embracing Change in 10 minutes a Day, with my two decades’ experience as a medical doctor and my decade’s experience of hosting transformational retreats, as part of the package. If you are impressed by qualifications, this is what I’ve got: MBChB, MRCGP, MedHypnotherapyDip, Counselling Cert, EAGALA Cert, Life Coaching Cert. and NLP Master Pract Cert….but what makes me an exceptional transformation retreat host, is not my qualifications, but the fact that I have got stuck at crossroads myself more than once and had to figure out how to navigate yet another life change, often related to the risk of losing one of my senses, my eyesight.

During this retreat, we are going to look at how mindfulness can help you to get out of your head and into your heart, where the answers to your questions can be found and how mindfulness can reduce stress, as you make the changes you want to make, based on the age-old concepts that people here in the south of France have applied for centuries and that has given them some of the longest and most laid-back lifespans in Europe.

Who will most benefit from this retreat:

  • Anyone who is stuck at a crossroads, having put others first for most of their lives and are unsure about who and what they want to be next
  • Anyone who now wants to give something back and live a meaningful, purposeful, impactful, fulfilling and prosperous life
  • Anyone who wants to find out how to remain calm, confident, creative, compassionate, content and in control of whatever challenges she has to face while she changes her life.
  • Anyone who is intrigued by the French way of life, culture, food, language etc.
  • Anyone who wants to reconnect with themselves, with others and with nature in the glorious French countryside.
  • Anyone who favours Slow Living, Slow Food and Slow and Sustainable travel
  • Anyone who always wanted to walk part of the Camino de Santiago to get clarity about where they are going next
  • Anyone who wants to know more about and use mindfulness, à la Française, to combat their own stress and help others combat theirs

I’ve been wondering where to begin with thanking you for the wonderful experience at your place. It was such a valuable time for me, ranging from being immersed in the gentle beauty of the French countryside, getting a taste of the Camino, to your hospitality, openness and the privilege of getting a small glimpse into your remarkable life journey. And, of course, the horses, cats and huge hound are a bonus!! Hopefully, I will have another opportunity to visit Esprit Meraki some time in the future! Lausanne O.

My stay with you at your beautiful home exceeded all expectations. We had three wonderful days walking the Camino on routes that benefitted from your extensive knowledge of the area to take in all the beautiful surrounding scenery and adjust to a relaxed pace of life. You were an excellent and welcoming host and I am looking forward to returning to your little sanctuary of rest and relaxation. I really enjoyed our visit to you and have come away feeling the benefits. I enjoyed our conversations and your great insights, I think I can safely say that Nikki and I both managed to answer some of the questions that were playing on our minds and are now feeling that we’re on the right track for future successes in our lives. I really hope we can join you again and in the meantime wish you all the very best for your busy summer. Anna W.

Spending time in nature and moving during hours in the forest or in a field helped me see where I wanted to move in my life. I gained clarity about my direction, my projects and desires in different areas of my life. I got very enthusiastic and I love that feeling! During the evenings we shared dinner and had very interesting conversations, you gave me new ideas and new points of view that were really enriching. I liked listening to your wisdom and exchanging with you. Thank you for this experience! Barbara M.

Vivre VertL’art de Vivre à la Française

Slow and Sustainable Tourism in the Southwest of France

It is important to me that the retreats I offer, do as little damage to the environment as possible, while at the same time contributing to the local community’s economy. I feel more like the custodian than the owner of this property – I feel extremely privileged to live here. As its custodian, my intention is to look after Maison Meraki to the very best of my ability and to preserve it for generations to come. In the meantime, I share the exceptional natural beauty, the rich cultural heritage and the nurturing tranquillity of this open- and warmhearted house with my guests without harming the natural environment and helping environmentally aware local producers at the same time.

Preserving the cultural heritage of this region is important to me: I am on the board of the Amis de Abbaye de Flaran, an association that contributes financially to the upkeep of this monument and until recently, I was the president of the Ladies Lunch Club d’Armagnac, an association that helps integrate newcomers to our region. I am also a volunteer with the Order of Malta and I donate a % of the income I earn by leading retreats to this charity.

Vivre tout Simplement

Connect with your inner Amélie Poulain in an authentic French Farmhouse

La Maison Meraki huddles amid a sunny clearing in the heart of a great and ancient forest, like a little old lady gathering her shawl around her bony shoulders. She has been here for at least 200 years, from her elevated position she looks out over the treetops to the mighty Pyrenées mountains. Who knows who has ventured over her threshold, maybe D’Artagnan himself, the chateau where he was born is only a few kilometres away. Yes, this is indeed Gascony, land not only of milk and honey but also of divine wines, persillade, garbure, foie gras, cèpes, duck confit…all less than two hour’s drive southeast of Bordeaux.

My half-timbered house faces southeast, towards the sunrise, typical of all Landaise fermettes. She has her back to the sunset, where the cold winds and weather come from in the winter. The house is U-shaped, with a central, secluded courtyard, where lavender perfumes the air in the summer. There are two guest bedrooms downstairs, each opening onto its own patio where guests can sit and soak up the sun with a cool drink and a good book.

The heart of the house is the kitchen-sitting room, delightfully cool in the summer, and extended by a shaded patio into the courtyard and snug and warm in the winter, heated by a Godin wood burner. Three centuries-old Line trees guard the eastern flank, and even older, majestic oak trees hold court in the paddocks surrounding the house.

I renovated Maison Meraki slowly and carefully. I have respected its humble origins and kept it dans son jus, comfortable but unpretentious, so if you want to experience unadulterated French farm life, this is the retreat for you. If you are looking for 7 days in a luxurious chateau, it is not.

En plus, this is a French farmhouse, unlike any you have visited before. Even though I am a Frenchwoman through and through, I was born in Africa, so the interior is decorated, the meals flavoured, and the garden is scented by the warm spices and fragment herbs of the country of my birth.

Savourer la Vie – la Cuisine de chez Meraki


Nowhere in France is the French Paradox more prevalent than in Gascony. A paradox, because despite frying just about everything in duck fat, and washing undeniably rich dishes down with copious amounts of Cotes de Gascogne and Saint Mont wines, the people from this region live long, some of the longest in Europe, and healthy lives.

Not to be outdone, at Maison Meraki you will be able to investigate this paradox first-hand. Most of our fruit and vegetables will be gathered the same morning from my neighbour’s potager, and what he doesn’t have, we’ll buy directly from the grower at one of the local fresh food markets. Eggs come from the free-range chickens of another neighbour, all preserves and jams are homemade from last year’s abundance of fruit.

Meals are served on a 8 / 16-hour rotation consisting of brunch and dinner. You will eat twice a day during an 8-hour period and fast for the next 16 hours. This eating pattern makes you feel vibrantly alive, fully energised, thoroughly detoxed, younger and stronger.

Your Investment

Make an investment in yourself and your future by attending this unique retreat for 2599€ pp. in a private room. If you are two friends travelling together, double room occupancy is available at 2299€ pp in a double room.

Full payment due 2 weeks before the retreat starts


– Free access to the Write Your Way to Serenity: A Guided Journaling Retreat online
– Free access to the Redefine Your Life Purpose after a Life Transition online retreat
– A copy of the 40-page e-book “Make Your Next Retreat Your Best Retreat Ever” that you can use to enrich your retreat experience
-an online coaching session, to help you integrate what you have learned during the retreat into everyday life, 2 weeks after your retreat
Retreats start on Saturdays at 16h00 and end on Fridays at 12h

This includes:

  • 7 days/6 nights accommodation in a single/double room
  • Brunch and dinner, from the Wholesome Welcome Dinner of Day 1 to the Celebration Champagne Brunch on Day 7, with access to tea, coffee,  chocolat chaud and French patisserie 24/7
  • Transport during the retreat, including pick-ups and drop-offs at the start and end of Camino walks
  • 2 Free online retreats, an e-book and worksheets and a free post-retreat coaching consultation
  • Stargazing and communing-with-the-universe Yoga Nidra practice (there is barely any light pollution here)
  • Sunday morning Bread-making Ceremony
  • Introduction to walking and writing meditation
  • A visit to an annual music festival during the end-July/beginning-August retreat
  • Wild swimming in a crystal clear lake in the middle of an ancient oak forest
  • Forest bathing (also called shinrin-yoku or “taking in the forest atmosphere”) – an opportunity to immerse yourself and reconnect with nature

NOT included:

  • Transport costs to the retreat farmhouse
  • Dinner on Day 4 and 6 – we eat in a local restaurant to stimulate the economic growth of the region post-COVID – usually 15-30 euros pp, depending on your choices
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Personal Health Insurance and/or Travel Insurance (we highly recommend insurance cover in case you need to cancel)
  • A variety of massages: (subject to availability) You can book a massage bien-être, out on the lawn, or on your own terrace, and give yourself over to Sarah’s magical hands, while the lavender bushes dispense 100% natural aromatherapy.
  • Medical Hypnotherapy sessions

If you are thinking of asking your employer to pay for this retreat, you can motivate your application by mentioning that according to Forbes, approximately 70% of people experienced burnout in the last year. Work-related consequences include job dissatisfaction, decreased productivity, poor performance, professional mistakes, absenteeism, quiet quitting and resignations resulting in a high turnover rate. Although conditions at work may also need improvement, a retreat focused on stress management, led by a medical doctor; can contribute significantly to preventing burnout in employees.

In only a few other places you will find all the ingredients of a perfect retreat combined with such abundance as in Gascony: fabulous food, outstanding wine, generous people and the breathtaking beauty of the Pyrenées mountains, meandering rivers, bottomless lakes and fortified medieval villages perched on hilltops.

So seize this exceptional opportunity to spend a few nights here NOW…an open-armed and a two-kisses-on-each-cheek welcome awaits you amidst the Armagnac, Saint Mont and Cotes de Gascogne vineyards in the sun-blessed southwest of France.

Ready to make a reservation? To pay your deposit and secure your booking – there are only a limited number of these retreats per year – please contact us with the date of Saturday that suits you at margarethamontagu@gmail.com to inquire about availability.

Subscribe to my Retreat Mailing List to be the first to know about any last-minute or early-bird special offers on my retreats.

Cancellation Policy


To secure your booking, a non-refundable 25% deposit is required. As the group is very small, only a paid deposit will guarantee your attendance. If your retreat is fully booked, you will be offered a place on the waiting list. Your deposit is transferable to another person for the retreat you booked, subject to approval.

Final Payment

The balance of payment is due 30 days prior to the start of your retreat. Reservations made less than 30 days before the retreat starts, must be paid in full. Please note: Due to the extensive and expensive preparation that goes into each of these retreats, I cannot offer refunds, so I highly recommend that you purchase adequate travel insurance to cover any unanticipated changes in your travel plans. Any cancellation made in writing less than 30 days before the retreat starts, or once the retreat has started, will result in a total loss of funds. Depending on availability, you can choose to transfer your booking to another date without incurring any additional fees, within the same calendar year.

I reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if I do so your deposit is refunded in full). I reserve the right to determine if you are a good fit for this trip (if not, your deposit will be refunded in full).  I reserve the right to cancel the retreat for personal reasons (if I do so your deposit/full payment will be refunded in full).

This cancellation policy is firm therefore please do not make any travel arrangements until you receive your registration confirmation.

Please read our terms and conditions

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