Harnessing the Power of Affirmations in Journaling to Cope with the Grief of Losing a Horse


The loss of a beloved horse can leave an indelible mark on our hearts, triggering a whirlwind of emotions. When I lost my soulmare Belle de la Babinière, I broke into a thousand pieces. I cried for days, or rather nights, because during the day, I had to get on with the business of hosting my Mind the Horses and Camino de Santiago retreats. What saved me from completely losing the plot, was dumping all the scarcely bearable and often conflicting emotions in my journal, whenever I had a moment free. I used affirmations to keep me going, telling myself, “Come on, you can do this!” and writing these affirmations in my journal. That is how I discovered the power of affirmations, combined with journalling. While grief is a deeply personal experience, journaling combined with the use of affirmations can be a powerful tool to navigate the complex journey to finding closure after your horse has died. In this article, we will explore the transformative impact of affirmations during the grieving process and how they can be incorporated into our journaling practice to provide comfort, and maybe even a renewed sense of hope.

“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just Love with no place to go.” – Jamie Anderson

Understanding the Power of Affirmations

Affirmations are positive statements that we repeat to ourselves, consciously directing our thoughts and emotions toward grief resolution. Energy-infused affirmations have the power to shift our mindset, rewire negative thought patterns, and invite healing energy into our everyday lives. Affirmations can be tailored to address specific aspects of grief, such as honouring your horse’s memory, finding meaning, or embracing self-compassion.

How to Create Powerful Affirmations while Journaling

To work, your affirmations should be meaningful to YOU. They can evolve and change as you progress through the grieving process. Trust your intuition and let your heart guide you as you create affirmations that provide comfort, healing, and a sense of connection with your beloved horse. To create meaningful affirmations:

  1. First, Reflect on Your Feelings: Take some time to connect with your emotions and thoughts surrounding the loss of your horse. Allow yourself to fully experience and acknowledge the range of emotions you’re going through, such as sadness, grief, gratitude, or even guilt. This reflection will help you identify the areas where you need support.
  2. Use Positive Language: Frame your affirmations using positive, empowering language. Focus on what you want to cultivate and embody, rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of your horse’s loss. Use words that uplift, inspire, and bring comfort.
  3. Keep your Affirmations Personal: Tailor your affirmations to your unique connection with your horse. This will make your affirmations much more meaningful and powerful.
  4. Phrase your Affirmations in the Present Tense. Rather than stating “I will find peace,” say “I am finding peace and acceptance in my horse’s memory.” This reinforces the idea that the healing process is already happening.
  5. Add Gratitude: Infuse your affirmations with gratitude for the time and experiences you shared with your horse. Focusing on the love, and lessons your horse brought into your life.
  6. Write your Affirmations in your Journal – Daily. Repeat them aloud or silently, allowing their positive energy to restore you and to resonate deep within you.

The most effective affirmations are the ones that you create yourself, in your own words. I have created a couple that you can use for inspiration:

  • I release my grief and embrace the loving memories I shared with my horse.
  • I am grateful for the deep connection and unconditional love I experienced with my horse.
  • I honour my horse’s proud spirit and the joy my horse brought into my life.
  • I choose to cherish the beautiful moments we had together and let go of the pain.
  • I am resilient and capable of finding peace amidst my loss.
  • I embrace the healing power of nature and find solace in its gentle embrace.
  • I trust the universe’s plan and know that my horse’s spirit is always with me.
  • I am open to receiving signs and messages from my horse, guiding me through the healing process.
  • I release guilt and forgive myself for any perceived shortcomings or regrets.
  • I celebrate the unique bond I shared with my horse and carry their love within me.
  • I am surrounded by loving support, both from people and from my other horses. (if appropriate)
  • I allow myself to feel all emotions without judgment, knowing that it is a part of my healing journey.
  • I embrace self-compassion and nurture myself through this challenging time.
  • I attract positive energy and experiences that uplift my spirit and help me heal.
  • I embrace the power of forgiveness, releasing any resentment or pain associated with the loss of my horse.
  • I am grateful for the lessons my horse taught me and the growth my horse inspired within me.
  • I trust that my horse’s legacy lives on through the love and wisdom they shared with me.
  • I find comfort in connecting with other horse lovers who understand the depth of my loss.
  • I am deserving of healing, happiness, and a renewed sense of purpose after the loss of my horse.

Journaling Prompts to help You create Your own Affirmations

If you still find it difficult to create your own affirmations (many people do, nothing wrong with that) use the journaling prompts below to integrate affirmations into your journaling practice :

  1. Reflect on a cherished memory with your horse. How did the bond you had with your horse bring you joy? Write an affirmation that encapsulates the essence of that connection.
  2. Explore the emotions you have been experiencing since the loss. Write about the most challenging emotions and the ones that bring you comfort. Create affirmations that acknowledge these emotions and provide some comfort.
  3. Write a letter to your horse, expressing your feelings, memories, and gratitude. As you pour your heart onto the paper, notice the affirmations that naturally arise from your words. Incorporate these affirmations into your journaling practice.
  4. Consider the lessons your horse taught you during your time together. What qualities or values did they embody? Create affirmations that reflect these qualities.
  5. Reflect on the impact your horse had on your personal growth. How did your horse challenge you? Write affirmations that acknowledge your determination to overcome the pain of loss.
  6. Explore the ways in which your horse’s spirit continues to live on within you. How has your horse influenced your perspective on life? Create affirmations that honour your horse’s legacy and embrace his/her lasting presence in your heart.
  7. Reflect on the moments of connection and understanding you shared with your horse. Write affirmations that affirm your ability to find comfort in these memories, even in their physical absence.
  8. Consider the love and care you provided for your horse. Write affirmations that express self-compassion and forgiveness, acknowledging that you did your best and that your love for your horse was ever-lasting.
  9. Explore the role of gratitude in your grieving process. Reflect on the blessings that your horse brought into your life. Create affirmations that express gratitude for the time you shared together.
  10. Reflect on the dreams and aspirations you had with your horse. Write affirmations that honour those dreams and affirm your commitment to continue pursuing them, even in your horse’s absence.

Transformation, Resolution and Personal Growth

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” – Kahlil Gibran

Take time to reflect, write, and create affirmations that resonate deeply with your unique experience of grief for the loss of your horse. Each affirmation you create holds the power to ignite positive change. As you consistently journal your affirmations, chances are that you will begin to notice a gradual transformation within yourself. Notice how your mindset shifts, allowing you to learn, grow and find resolution.

Grief, as painful and challenging as it may be, has the potential to transform us and facilitate personal development. Grief compels us to confront and process our emotions. By allowing ourselves to fully experience our emotions, however unpleasant, we develop greater emotional intelligence and resilience. This heightened emotional awareness can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves and others, ultimately enhancing our capacity for empathy and compassion.

Grief prompts us to reflect on the meaning and purpose of life. The loss of a cherished horse can be a catalyst for existential introspection. We may find ourselves contemplating the fragility of life, our own mortality, and the values that truly matter to us. This introspection can lead to personal growth, as we reassess our priorities, align ourselves with what truly brings us joy and fulfillment, and make more intentional choices in our lives.

Additionally, grief often forces us to reassess our relationships. We may seek comfort and support from loved ones, or we may discover that certain relationships no longer serve us. Through this process, we learn to set healthy boundaries, communicate our needs, and cultivate deeper connections with those who do support us.

Ultimately, grief can serve as a catalyst for personal growth by guiding us toward self-discovery, emotional awareness, meaningful connections, and a deeper understanding of others.

Recommended Reading:

To delve deeper into the practice of affirmations and grief journaling, consider exploring resources like “The Healing Power of Affirmations” by Cindy Holbrook and “Healing After Loss: Daily Meditations for Working Through Grief” by Martha Whitmore Hickman. These books offer valuable insights, guidance, and affirmations tailored to support the grieving process.

Harnessing the power of affirmations in journaling can be a transformative tool to navigate the grief of losing a horse. By creating your own affirmations and incorporating them into your journaling routine, you facilitate the grieving process.

“The reality is that you will grieve forever. You will not ‘get over’ the loss of a loved one; you will learn to live with it. You will heal and you will rebuild yourself around the loss you have suffered. You will be whole again but you will never be the same. Nor should you be the same nor would you want to.” – Elisabeth Kubler-Ross


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