VIP View: Engaging the Power of Perspective
I mentioned the “B”-word in my last email.
Maybe, like me a couple of years ago, all you want to do at this moment in time, is to avoid burning yourself out so completely that only a small heap of cinders remain, never mind living a meaningful life.
I’ve been there. I know how it feels.
I know what you are going through.
I still get nightmares, sometimes.
After dozens of life transitions, life changes and life crises, sometimes several at the same time, I have developed some contentious coping strategies.
When burnout threatens, I take evasive action. Because Burnout is NOT a badge of honour. That’s a link to one of my more controversial blog posts. Writing blog posts that put the cat among the pigeons is a secret pleasure of mine.
Anyway, are you resilient enough to avoid burnout? Find out here.
I’m just getting to the point.
To keep my horses in the enviable style they have become accustomed too, I have to earn money. Lots of it.
So I created an online course called the Road Map to Resilience: From Burnout to Brilliance and Balance that will introduce you to the strategies I use to avoid burnout – for 2 hours a day, twice a day, for 2 days. Just the essentials, just the strategies that work, that I use personally and that I have used to help countless clients.
I just wanted to mention it here, I am seriously proud of this course, and I’d love to guide you through it, if you feel that you would benefit from some support.
And I’m sure the horses would be EXTREMELY grateful.
Here’s a question for you: If your life stayed exactly as it is now, how would you feel 5 years from today?
If that thought stirs something inside you, it’s time to explore what’s next.

“I am an experienced medical doctor (MBChB, MRCGP, NLP master pract cert, Transformational Life Coach dip, Counselling cert, Med Hyp Dip and EAGALA cert) with a special interest in stress management. I may have an impressive number of letters after my name, and I may have more than three decades of professional experience, but what qualifies me to excel at what I do is my intuitive understanding of my clients’ difficulties and my extensive personal experience of managing major life changes using strategies I developed over many years” Dr M Montagu – iNFINITE iMPACT
Dr Margaretha Montagu iNFINITE iMPACT |