A Meaningful Life – Part 4

VIP View: Wake Up Every Morning Feeling Excited About What’s Next

“Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” Joshua Marine

I have been looking at this quote every morning and every evening for the last 10 years, as I brush my teeth.

I’ve had my fill of interesting challenges, thank you.

Overcoming them has indeed made my life more meaningful and several burnouts later, I can now confidently affirm that I have effective strategies in place to manage the stress that these challenges invariably cause.

I’d like to move on now and focus on making an impact on other people’s lives, by helping them live purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling lives so that they can make an impact on others’ lives as well.

Why? To spare them The Insufferable Pain of an Unfulfilled Life.

Working for two decades as a medical doctor has taught me a lot about counselling people, and equine-facilitated coaching has taught me a lot about coaching.

I was ready for a new approach.


Because when you mentor someone, unlike when you counsel or coach, you get to tell people what to do! ;D

I started by mentoring monthly masterclasses: the How to Live a Meaningful, Purposeful and Fulfilling Life series – in person, in French, here at my little farm in the south of France – until I felt proficient.

The next step was to pull everything together: my Camino de Santiago retreats, my online courses, my masterclasses, even my books, into one uber-powerful program:

The iNFINITE iMPACT Mentoring Program.

You can find out more about it by CLICKING HERE.

And if it appeals, send an email to OpenLockedDoors@gmail.com to book a 30-minute complimentary call so we can determine how I can help you live a meaningful, purposeful and impactful life.

Download as a PDF

“I am an experienced medical doctor – MBChB, MRCGP, NLP master pract cert, Transformational Life Coach (dip.) Life Story Coach (cert.) Counselling (cert.) Med Hypnotherapy (dip.) and EAGALA (cert.) I may have an impressive number of letters after my name, and more than three decades of professional experience, but what qualifies me to excel at what I do is my intuitive understanding of my clients’ difficulties and my extensive personal experience of managing major life changes using strategies I developed over many years” Dr M Montagu

Dr Margaretha Montagu

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