Esprit Meraki Terms and Conditions

The Esprit Meraki team is looking forward to having you as our guests, and we want you to enjoy your stay with us. That’s why we ask all our guests to pay particular attention to our Terms and Conditions, so that we can help to ensure that everyone’s experience is a positive one. It’s all about making unforgettable memories of your vacation – so that you’ll come back and see us again!

Please read the information below, and make sure you understand it before booking your workshop. Any questions or comments, please contact us by e-mail.

1. For the sake of clarity the owner is defined as Dr Margaretha Montagu of Esprit Meraki Retreats and the client is the person making the booking.

2. The property known as Esprit Meraki is offered as accommodation for our retreats. All accommodation is offered subject to availability at the time of receipt of the deposit, and at the quoted tariff.

3. To reserve a retreat, the client should contact the owner by e-mail to inquire about availability. Availability will be confirmed by email and the client then pays the initial non-refundable booking deposit to secure the booking. Following receipt of the deposit, the client will be sent confirmation of the booking by e-mail. The deposit can be paid by bank transfer or directly online by credit card via the secure server Stripe.

4. The balance due is payable not less than 30 days prior to the start of the retreat. If payment is not received by the due date, the owner reserves the right to give notice, either in writing or by e-mail, that the reservation is cancelled. Reservations made within 30 days of the start of the workshop must be paid for in full at the time of booking. The balance can be paid by bank transfer. We will send you our bank details via e-mail.

Any chargeable expenses arising during the retreat, ex. massages must be settled locally, with the provider, in Euro.

5.   Any cancellation received in writing up to 30 days before the workshop starts will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price. Any cancellation made in writing less than 30 days before the retreat starts, or once the retreat has started will result in a total loss of funds. Depending on availability, you can choose to transfer your booking to another retreat date during the same calendar year without incurring any additional fees. We reserve the right to cancel the retreat (if we do so your deposit is refunded in full). 

In the unlikely event that we have to cancel a retreat, you will be offered two options:

  • A full refund of the cost of the retreat. However, the costs of any travel arrangements etc. you may have made will not be reimbursed.
  • The option to transfer to another retreat in the next 12 months. If your chosen replacement retreat costs less than the cancelled retreat, we will refund the difference. If it costs more, you will need to pay the difference before we can complete the transfer.

We do NOT accept any liability for: Cancellations, delays or changes caused by war, threat of war, terrorist actions or threats, closure of airports, civil strife, industrial action, natural or nuclear disaster, technical problems to transport, staff cancellations or other events beyond our control, fire or adverse and extreme weather conditions that result in the cessation of schedule activities, participants’ medical or psychiatric conditions which may develop during or subsequent to the holiday, loss of, or damage to, personal property of participants. Esprit Meraki Retreats is not responsible for expenses incurred in preparation for any cancelled retreat, such as airline tickets, loss of work, and/or other costs associated with preparing for your trip.

6. It is a condition of this booking that the Client obtain comprehensive insurance. EU/EEA residents should also ensure they have a current European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). This card entitles you to state-operated medical care as a visitor to another EU/EEA country. Your travel insurance should include trip cancellation and cover other expenses you may encounter because of travel disruptions. Insurance should cover full medical expenses, cancellation by you as a result of illness or injury, personal baggage, personal accident, accidental loss or damage to property, third party liability, legal expenses and emergency.

7. The retreat shall commence from 6pm on the day of arrival and finish at 11pm on the last day. The owners shall not be obliged to offer the accommodation before the time stated and the Client shall not be entitled to remain in occupation after the time stated. It is, however, possible to book additional nights on a BandB basis at Esprit Meraki prior to a retreat, subject to availability.

8. Please note that we operate a strict no smoking policy in the house, and especially in the barns and stables, but designated smoking areas can be provided. Breach of this requirement will incur full cleaning costs of hard and soft furnishings in guest rooms. We reserve the right to request guests to vacate the premises for any continued or serious breach of this policy.

9. The maximum number (2 adults) to reside in the rooms must not exceed the capacity number stated on the website and in the brochure, unless the owner has given written permission at the time of the booking. Please note that the rooms are not suitable for children and that the minimum age limit is 18 years.

9. The Client agrees to be a considerate guest and to take good care of the property and to leave it in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the retreat period.

10. The Client agrees not to act in any way which would cause disturbance to those resident in neighbouring rooms. Quiet time is from 9 pm to 9 am. The owner reserve the right to amend, curtail or terminate any contract should the conduct of any person who is a part to that contract cause any detriment to the house or to the well-being or comfort of other guests.

11. No items are to be removed from the owner’s property, without the owners’ prior permission.

12. The Client shall report to the owners, without delay, any defects in the property or breakdown in the equipment, plant, machinery or appliances in the property or any other problems the client may experience and arrangements for repair and/or replacement, will be made as soon as possible.

13. The owner shall not be liable to the Client for: any temporary defect or stoppage of public services to the property, nor in respect of any equipment, plant, machinery or appliance in the property, garden, or for any loss, damage or injury suffered which is the result of adverse weather conditions, riot, war, strikes or other matters beyond the control of the owners, or for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to or suffered by the Client if the property should be destroyed or substantially damaged before the start of the retreat.

14. The client participates in activities and uses the equipment entirely at his or her own risk.

15. Under no circumstances shall the owners’ liability to the Client exceed the amount paid to the owner for the booking.

16. The owner reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions as appropriate, without detriment to guests’ statutory rights.

17. Overnight visitors are not permitted. Any visitors must leave the premises prior to 6 PM.

18.  There is no contract between Esprit Meraki Retreats and the client until full payment has been made. Full payment of the balance is to be made no later than 30 days before departure.

19. All information contained in the brochure and on the websites is published in good faith and is believed to be correct at time of going to press. However the provision of certain facilities therein referred to may be limited, not available at certain times or subject to weather conditions etc. We reserve the right to modify, alter or curtail the retreat timetable for any reason beyond its control including, but without limitation, war, riot, civil disturbance, government action, strike, lock-out, inclement weather, quarantine, Act of God, and we shall not be liable for any loss, damage or inconvenience resulting to the client. The final decisions on the program will be taken by the owner whose decision shall be final and binding on all members of the group. Where members of groups diverge from concluded arrangements, no allowance can be claimed or will be admitted for accommodation, meals, drinks and other expenses and no refunds can be claimed.

20. Esprit Meraki is not equipped with specialised vehicle charging facilities. Without such professionally installed equipment, in the case of fire or other damage, our building and contents insurance will be invalidated if clients charge EVs via the domestic circuit. The charging of electric or hybrid vehicles is therefore not permitted but, in any case, only low amperage charging would be technically possible with extremely long charge-times, Level 1 and 15 amps maximum. As with all rural properties, the supply (9 kVA in this case), more than adequate for the contents of the house, cannot cope with the added load of fast-charging electric vehicles and upgrading would be prohibitively expensive. There are several commercial Level 2 and 3 fast-charging stations in Nogaro (3km).

21. We reserve the right to change the information published on the site at any time. All prices on this website are based on the current exchange rates and are subject to change without notice. While we make every effort to provide you the most accurate, up-to-date information, we reserve the right to increase the price of your Retreat prior to your travel, but not after you have paid the full amount. If this was to happen we would inform you in advance.

22. You must ensure that you are aware of any health requirements for your travel and ensure that you carry all necessary vaccination documentation. Please check with your local doctor or specialist vaccination clinic. It is your responsibility to know the rules around travel during the Covid-19 pandemic & all rules and restrictions must be adhered to. 

Acceptance of Terms and Conditions:

Making a booking and paying the deposit implies the knowledge and acceptance of these terms and conditions.

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