A Meaningful Life – Part 3

VIP View: The Secret to Adding More Meaning to Your Life

Many successful professionals like you tell me they feel a nagging sense of dissatisfaction, even with lives that look perfect on paper. Their lives do not feel meaningful, purposeful or impactful.

I know that feeling: the insufferable pain of living an unfulfilled life. Not all that long ago, I felt the same sense of dissatisfaction.

Is this really all there is?

My guest Helen opened my eyes, one sultry summer’s evening, as we sat chatting about the meaning of life in the shade of a majestic 200-year-old oak tree.

I was bemoaning the fact that hosting my retreats only allowed me to touch the lives of a small number of people every year.

Helen put me right: “Actually, you are reaching more lives than you realise! I noticed, after my last retreat here, that I was a different person when I got home. A better person, I’d like to think, certainly a happier one. And that had a huge influence on the lives of the people around me: my other half, my children, my family, my friends, my colleagues.”

Walking the Camino does tend to do that to people, but I was ready to dig deeper, so I asked, “What do you think caused you to change?”

Without hesitation, she replied, “Figuring out what my life purpose is.”

The direct result of that conversation was the creation of my online course “The Purpose Protocol.” I learn a lot from my retreat guests.

Knowing what your life purpose is can make your life infinitely more meaningful. I recently wrote an article called “12 Unconventional Ways to Give Your Life More Meaning.” I am often asked, “How do I make my life more meaningful, on a day-to-day basis?” This article answers that question.

It’s all about impact.

And leaving a lasting legacy.

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“I am an experienced medical doctor – MBChB, MRCGP, NLP master pract cert, Transformational Life Coach (dip.) Life Story Coach (cert.) Counselling (cert.) Med Hypnotherapy (dip.) and EAGALA (cert.) I may have an impressive number of letters after my name, and more than three decades of professional experience, but what qualifies me to excel at what I do is my intuitive understanding of my clients’ difficulties and my extensive personal experience of managing major life changes using strategies I developed over many years” Dr M Montagu

Dr Margaretha Montagu

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