Is Burnout suffocating You? Take the Burnout Quiz

Thirty years ago, as a young medical doctor, I went through one life transition after another, unaware that I was burning myself out. A burnout quiz like this would have been invaluable, but at the time, burnout wasn’t as well understood as it is today. The tricky thing about burnout is that it can sneak up on you, even when you’re familiar with the warning signs. Taking a quiz like this can help you catch it early, giving you the chance to take action before it gets debilitating.

Burnout is a very real threat during a Life Transition

Life transitions—whether it’s changing careers, moving to a new place, ending a relationship, starting a business, coping with illness or loss or even becoming an empty nester—.can take a toll on your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. These changes often demand more of us than we realise, and without the right coping strategies, we may find ourselves on the fast track to burnout. While adapting to a new chapter can be exciting, it can also be exhausting. If you’ve been feeling more drained than usual or questioning whether you’re just seriously stressed or truly on the verge of burnout, this burnout quiz is for you.

This quiz is designed to help you assess whether the pressures of your current life transition are pushing you beyond your limits. Take a few minutes to check in with yourself and see if you’re heading toward burnout—or if it’s time to hit the pause button and refuel.

Let’s find out how you’re really doing:

  1. How often do you feel physically exhausted, even after getting enough sleep?
    a) Rarely or never.
    b) Sometimes, but not every day.
    c) Almost every day.
  2. Do you find yourself feeling detached or uninterested in activities you used to enjoy?
    a) No, I still enjoy most of my activities.
    b) Occasionally, but I can still find joy in some things.
    c) Yes, I rarely find joy in things anymore.
  3. How frequently do you feel overwhelmed by your workload or responsibilities?
    a) Rarely—I can manage things well.
    b) Sometimes, but I can usually get through it.
    c) Often—I feel like I can’t handle my responsibilities.
  4. Do you find yourself being more irritable or impatient with others?
    a) No, I’m generally calm and patient.
    b) Occasionally, but I manage it.
    c) Yes, I’m often irritable and short-tempered.
  5. How do you feel about the quality of your work or your ability to be productive?
    a) I feel good and confident in my work.
    b) I have some doubts, but I manage to stay productive.
    c) I often feel like my work is suffering, and I’m not productive.
  6. How often do you feel emotionally drained by your responsibilities or interactions with others?
    a) Rarely or never.
    b) Sometimes, but I can recharge.
    c) Frequently—I feel emotionally exhausted.
  7. Do you have trouble concentrating or making decisions?
    a) No, I can focus and make decisions easily.
    b) Sometimes I struggle with concentration.
    c) Yes, I often find it hard to concentrate or decide things.
  8. How often do you feel a sense of dread or anxiety about going to work or dealing with daily tasks?
    a) Rarely—I’m generally fine with my tasks.
    b) Sometimes I feel stressed, but I push through.
    c) Often—I dread starting my day.
  9. Do you feel like you’re accomplishing less than you used to, despite putting in the same amount of effort?
    a) No, I feel productive and satisfied with my work.
    b) Sometimes, but I can still get things done.
    c) Yes, I feel like I’m working hard but accomplishing little.
  10. How do you feel physically (e.g., frequent headaches, muscle tension, illness)?
    a) I feel healthy and energized.
    b) I sometimes experience minor physical issues.
    c) I frequently feel physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, or muscle pain.
  11. When was the last time you took a meaningful break or time off to recharge?
    a) Recently—I regularly take time to rest.
    b) It’s been a while, but I take breaks occasionally.
    c) I can’t remember the last time I took time off.
  12. Do you feel disconnected from your coworkers, family, or friends?
    a) No, I feel connected and supported by those around me.
    b) Sometimes, I feel disconnected but it passes.
    c) Yes, I often feel isolated or misunderstood by others.
  13. How often do you have trouble sleeping, either falling asleep or staying asleep?
    a) Rarely or never—I sleep well.
    b) Occasionally, but not often.
    c) Frequently—I have trouble getting quality sleep.
  14. Do you find yourself questioning the value or meaning of your work or efforts?
    a) No, I feel my work has purpose and meaning.
    b) Sometimes, I wonder if what I’m doing matters.
    c) Yes, I often feel like my work is meaningless or pointless.
  15. How would you describe your overall sense of fulfilment and satisfaction with life?
    a) I feel fulfilled and satisfied with my life.
    b) I have moments of satisfaction but often feel unfulfilled.
    c) I rarely feel fulfilled or satisfied with my life.


  • For each A answer, give yourself 3 points.
  • For each B answer, give yourself 2 points.
  • For each C answer, give yourself 1 point.

Burnout Quiz Results:

  • 35-45 points: Burnout? What burnout? You’re a resilience ninja!
    Congratulations! You’re not suffering from burnout. You may experience the occasional stressful situation (who doesn’t?), but you seem to have found that magical balance between work and life. Keep doing what you’re doing, but remember even ninjas need downtime. Keep an eye on your stress levels, and don’t forget to indulge in self-care—bubble baths, good books, or spontaneous dance parties in your kitchen are all solid choices. You’ve got this! Next Step

  • 25-34 points: Treading water—but in desperate need of a life raft!
    Uh-oh, you’re hovering in the “danger zone” of burnout though you’re just about holding it together. You probably feel tired, a bit overwhelmed, and occasionally wonder if you’re secretly starring in some weird reality show called “How Long Until I Burn Out?” (Spoiler: it’s not a show you want to win). The good news is, there’s sa way to get back on track. Try carving out some time for yourself, saying “no” to non-essential commitments. Take a deep breath. Then take another. You’re not at rock bottom, but it’s time to re-evaluate how much you’re carrying. Start setting firmer boundaries, delegate when possible, and yes, your email can wait until tomorrow. Don’t make your life a 24/7 emergency! Next Step

  • 15-24 points: Full-on burnout—send in the rescue squad!
    You’re not just flirting with burnout—you’ve swiped right and are deep in a committed relationship with it. The constant exhaustion, detachment from activities you used to enjoy, and general “I don’t care anymore” feelings are all classic signs. You’re probably living on caffeine and thinking, “What is this mythical ‘self-care’ thing I keep hearing about?” Well, this is your wake-up call – it’s time to hit the brakes! Okay, no sugarcoating it: You need a serious break. It’s time for some radical self-compassion. You deserve a break! Remember, recovery from burnout is like a marathon, not a sprint—slow and steady wins the race (and avoids another burnout). You got this, one small step at a time. Book a week off, come and walk a section of the Camino de Santiago and seriously consider making some dramatic lifestyle changes. You can’t pour from an empty cup—so stop trying, and start refilling. Next Step
Margaretha Montagu

Author Bio: Dr Margaretha Montagu – described as a “game changer”, “gifted healer”, “guiding light” and “life-enriching author” – is an experienced medical doctor, a certified NLP practitioner, a medical hypnotherapist, an equine-assisted psychotherapist (EAGALAcertified) and a transformational retreat leader who guides her clients through life transitions – virtually, or with the assistance of her Friesian and Falabella horses, at their home in the southwest of France.


This burnout quiz is intended for informational and self-reflection purposes only. It is not a diagnostic tool, nor is it a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice. If you are experiencing symptoms of burnout, stress, anxiety, or depression, we recommend seeking guidance from a licensed healthcare professional or therapist. Results from this quiz should not be used to make decisions regarding your health or well-being without consulting a qualified expert.

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