
Savoir Vivre Vignettes

Master Mindful Eating while Discovering the Gastronomic Delights of Gascony

Master Mindful Eating while Discovering the Gastronomic Delights of Gascony

Savouring the Slow Food Traditions of Southwest France Nestled in the southwest of France, Gascony is a region renowned not only for its breathtaking landscapes, with rolling hills, lush vineyards, and picturesque villages, but also for its rustic, hearty, "slow...
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How to Cope with Inevitable Life Changes

How to Cope with Inevitable Life Changes

"I'm a big believer that life changes as much as you want it to." - Martin Freeman As the leaves change colour and the nights grow longer, some of us start to feel a little low. If you’ve ever found...
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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: A Challenge for Introverted Entrepreneurs

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: A Challenge for Introverted Entrepreneurs

. Starting a business is an exciting yet challenging undertaking for any business owner, but introverted entrepreneurs often face unique challenges due to their introverted characteristics. These characteristics can lead to a set of seriously limiting beliefs which can act...
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Can Introverts successfully lead Wellness Retreats?

Can Introverts successfully lead Wellness Retreats?

Yes, and Here’s How to Do It with Confidence! Most people, when they think about wellness retreat leaders bring someone to mind who is a natural extrovert—someone bursting with energy, who can effortlessly command the attention of a group of...
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Attend a Reading Retreat and Focus on Self-Care this Christmas

Attend a Reading Retreat and Focus on Self-Care this Christmas

A Reading Retreat is the Perfect Way for Introverts (and Extroverts!) to Replenish their Reserves "Tis the season to be jolly"… unless you're an introvert. In that case, it’s more like, "Tis the season to find somewhere to hide until...
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Are You Losing Control During a Major Life Crisis?

Are You Losing Control During a Major Life Crisis?

When the unexpected happens, it's not the life crisis that defines us—it's how we respond to the crisis. Life has a way of throwing us curveballs—whether it's a sudden job loss, a career change, a redundancy or even a planned...
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Mental Clutter: The Silent Saboteur

Mental Clutter: The Silent Saboteur

Undermining Your Personal and Professional Life Let’s face it—most of us treat our minds like a junk drawer. You know, that one in the kitchen where you toss random batteries, takeout menus, and mystery keys, hoping someday it’ll magically sort...
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Emergency Cure for an Introvert Hangover

Emergency Cure for an Introvert Hangover

How to Recharge your Batteries After a Social Overdose (Without Moving to an isolated Cabin in the Mountains) Picture this: you’ve just spent hours and hours at a work event, small talk flowing as freely as the wine, and by...
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How a Strong Support System of Friends Can Propel You Toward Professional Success

How a Strong Support System of Friends Can Propel You Toward Professional Success

We tend to overlook the persistent and powerful role of friendship in our professional lives. Sometimes we even take it for granted. Throughout my career, I've found that my network of friends has been my most valuable resource—not just for...
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The Best Is Yet To Come -Next Chapter Quotes

The Best Is Yet To Come -Next Chapter Quotes

I did not copy-and-paste this list from another webpage, nor did I ask ChatGPT to provide me with these Next Chapter quotes. I waded through page after page of potentially suitable quotes for this collection and chose the ones that...
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Are You Ready to Start Writing a New Chapter of Your Life?

Are You Ready to Start Writing a New Chapter of Your Life?

. Starting a new chapter in life, whether personal or professional, is a challenging experience, but it can bring fresh opportunities, help you grow in unexpected ways, and even reignite your sense of purpose. But how do you know if...
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Debunking Debilitating Misconceptions About Introverted Business Owners and Professionals

Debunking Debilitating Misconceptions About Introverted Business Owners and Professionals

"Introverts can’t lead." "They’re too shy to network." "Entrepreneurship is for extroverts." These myths have limited introverted business owners and professionals for too long. The quiet, reflective nature of introverts is exactly what makes them exceptional leaders, powerful communicators, and...
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Self-Hypnosis – A Powerful Burnout Cure?

Self-Hypnosis – A Powerful Burnout Cure?

How self-hypnosis can help you reset your emotional state and empower you to thrive through life’s transitions. Feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and disconnected from the world around you? In a world that glorifies busyness, burnout has become a steadily spreading epidemic...
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Is Your Work Aligned with Your Life Purpose?

Is Your Work Aligned with Your Life Purpose?

Are you going through the motions at work, feeling like something is missing—despite the promotions, paychecks, and accolades? Imagine waking up every day with a deep sense of purpose, knowing that the work you do isn't just paying the bills...
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We Attract Not What We Want, but Who We Are

We Attract Not What We Want, but Who We Are

While researching my article about being paralysed by an identity crisis during major life changes, I came across this compelling quote, “The outer conditions of a person’s life will always be found to be harmoniously related to his inner state…Men...
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Paralysed by An Identity Crisis in Times of Transition

Paralysed by An Identity Crisis in Times of Transition

Imagine waking up one day and realising the person staring back at you in the mirror looks like a complete stranger. Not because of an impromptu hairstyle change or the appearance of a few extra grey hairs, but because life...
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Why Are You Ignoring Your Inner Compass?

Why Are You Ignoring Your Inner Compass?

If you try to Navigate Life without Your Inner Compass during a Major Life Change, You are going to get Lost Meet Your Inner Compass Your "inner compass" refers to your internal guide or sense of direction, shaped by your...
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Sophie’s Soul-Destroying Divorce

Sophie’s Soul-Destroying Divorce

The Life Quake Series: How Sophie Managed to Survive her dreadful Divorce, one of her Toughest Life Challenges Sophie stood at the edge of the forest, the cool morning air kissing her tear-stained cheeks. She hesitated. The trail ahead was...
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ReConnect with Nature: Merlin, the Magical Oak

ReConnect with Nature: Merlin, the Magical Oak

Until my early fifties, I never particularly noticed trees. I was aware of them, more or less, in a taking-them-for-granted sort of way. I thought people who hug trees and people who go forest bathing were a bit weird. Until...
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Intriguing Writing Quotes for Ambitious New Authors

Intriguing Writing Quotes for Ambitious New Authors

Defeating Self-Doubt One Perfect Sentence at a Time The best way to describe the start of my writing career would be that I fell into it by accident. I wrote my first book, Self-Confidence Made Simple - French Women Share...
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So You Want to Be a Famous Writer? 15 Challenges You’ll Face on the Path to Publication

So You Want to Be a Famous Writer? 15 Challenges You’ll Face on the Path to Publication

The Perils and Pitfalls of Penning Your First Masterpiece (and Why It’s Totally Worth It) So, you’ve decided to write a book. Congratulations and welcome to the writing community! You’ve chosen a path that combines the soul-crushing despair of self-doubt...
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Is Your Boss an Introvert or an Extrovert?

Is Your Boss an Introvert or an Extrovert?

It can make all the difference if you know if your boss is an introvert. If you suspect that you are heading straight for a burnout, because you can't figure out your boss, it may be because your boss is...
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Powerful Affirmations For Introverted Entrepreneurs

Powerful Affirmations For Introverted Entrepreneurs

Has Affirmations Gone Out Of Fashion? No, affirmations have not gone out of fashion—but they have had a significant makeover, they have evolved to meet our needs more effectively and to fit better into our busy lives. With the growing...
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A Gratitude Journal: The Introverted Business Owner’s Secret Superpower

A Gratitude Journal: The Introverted Business Owner’s Secret Superpower

"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” Melody Beattie I have been keeping a gratitude journal for at least 4 years now. I started small: 5 bullet points every morning and...
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The Importance of Self-Compassion for Introverts

The Importance of Self-Compassion for Introverts

How Self-Compassion Can Help You Build Your Business and Your Career As introverted professionals, we can greatly benefit from being kinder to ourselves, especially during life changes, challenges and transitions. I had this idea that being an introvert was a...
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50 Self-Compassion Quotes to Help You Through Major Life Changes

50 Self-Compassion Quotes to Help You Through Major Life Changes

“Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.”-Pema Chodron What is Self-Compassion? In short, self-compassion is about getting to know and accept yourself, forgiving yourself, loving yourself, helping yourself overcome insecurities, respecting yourself and protecting yourself. You'll find more detailed...
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Most Meaningful Kindness Quotes…

Most Meaningful Kindness Quotes…

....and how Kindness can help You make and keep Friends The idea when I started writing this post was to simply make a list of what I think are the 10 most meaningful kindness quotes. I quickly discovered that limiting...
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The Benefits of Slow Travel for Introverts

The Benefits of Slow Travel for Introverts

It's as much about the Journey, as it is about the Destination Early one Saturday morning, I was sipping a small noisette (double espresso with milk) at the Café de Commerce, watching the world go by on the way to...
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Harnessing the Power of Quotes to Navigate Major Life Changes

Harnessing the Power of Quotes to Navigate Major Life Changes

I have always been a quote collector. I used to store my collection on a USB stick (luckily, these sticks managed to store more and more data, as my collection dramatically increased, over the years.) I often use quotes in...
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Starting a business as an Introvert and an Empath

Starting a business as an Introvert and an Empath

Understanding the Unique Challenges Recently, I read that "starting a business is a daunting task for anyone, but for introverts who are also empaths, it can feel impossible. The unique combination of introvert and empath in one mind, presents a...
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