Embracing Change in 10 Minutes a Day

Simple Strategies, Smart Suggestions and Insight-giving Stories (Fabriqué en France Book 3)

What if you knew that you have such a fool-proof strategy to cope with challenges that you will never get stressed about dealing with change again?

We live in a world where we are constantly confronted with CHANGE. Trying to cope with yet another unexpected and unavoidable change, when we are already exhausted from having to deal with a variety of challenges daily, dramatically increases our stress levels. Even the changes we instigate ourselves can generate an enormous amount of stress.

Your average life transition – leaving home, getting married, having children, losing your job, moving house, getting divorced, facing bankruptcy/redundancy, getting seriously ill, losing a loved one, retiring – is loaded with stress-inducing challenges. Stress puts us at risk of a variety of diseases and conditions caused or worsened by stress: heart attacks, strokes, asthma, stomach ulcers, migraine, diabetes, depression and insomnia, to name a few.

If you are currently facing a major life transition or any other dramatic change in your circumstances, and you have no idea how you are going to cope, the good news is that the strategy presented in this book can help you, step by step, to improve your ability to handle the stress caused by change, even if you feel entirely powerless at the moment. To help you get started, the book comes with a free 7-day e-course, to help you put the strategies discussed in the book into practice.

This book will:

  • Free you from the immobilising fear provoked by inevitable change
  • Protect you from getting overwhelmed by insecurity
  • Give you the courage you need to develop a robust plan of action
  • Substantially increase your confidence in your unique abilities
  • Enable you to become more resilient no matter how drastic the change
  • Avoid burnout and preserve your physical and mental health

I wrote this book because the last two years have been difficult for me – I have had 4 big eye operations in 18 months and despite the surgeons’ best efforts I have lost my left eye. This book is about my struggle to cope with with the worry of losing my sight – and explains the strategy I used to cope with this situation by keeping a gratitude journal.

I am grateful for:


Having known Margaretha for years, not only have I benefitted from reading her books, but I have also seen how she has applied her strategies to cope with the challenges in her own life. Her latest book, “Embracing Change” is by far the best book she has ever written. – A.M. Harris

A deeply honest, intelligent and brave companion to help us deal with our emotional and physical hardships on life’s capricious journey. There is a well-researched scientific aspect; but more appealingly it is sprinkled with the south of France and equine-flavoured personal touchstone moment examples from one who has already walked this path and is still on it. Highly recommended. R.Quick

What I love about this book is that it is written in your voice and has throughout it, parts of your story. What I think I liked best is that it is written in a voice that speaks to the reader as an equal. This book is written to a person going through change – which is all of us. – M Matthews

Embracing Change – in 10 minutes a Day will empower you to cope with whatever change comes your way if you are willing to spend 10 minutes a day investing in your future.


More about the author

Reading is one of my all-time favourite things. I mostly read historical mysteries – don’t you just love that feeling of so completely losing yourself in a book that when you stop reading you feel bereft? I also read non-fiction, mostly self-help books. I am always looking for new strategies that I can use to help the participants of my equine-facilitated personal empowerment workshops here in the south of France. Of course, being convinced that equine-assisted experiential learning is the next best thing to sliced bread, I also read a lot about that.

A few years ago, the writing bug got me. I loved writing right from writing the very first (very badly written) blog post. Eventually, I thought that it may well be an idea to write a book or two based on the knowledge and experience I had acquired by presenting my workshops and reading all those self-improvement books. Obviously, I didn’t just want to repeat what had already been written much more eloquently than I could ever manage. So I started writing from my own experience of living in France, owning and caring for horses, fighting the ever-present threat of losing my sight and presenting my workshops.

I warn you now, I am no best-selling author (yet!) but I poured my heart and soul into each book. It is important to me that my book makes a difference in your life – for the better. Admittedly, the money I earn by selling books is useful too, it allows me to buy the horses the few luxuries that they insist on.

Please feel free to buy as many of my books as you want and if you are not ready to buy, please follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest and LinkedIn as Margaretha Montagu.

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