The Mindfulness Meditation with Horses Online Teacher Training

Would you like to learn how to teach Mindfulness with the help of your Horses?

Would you like to earn a steady income with the help of your horse(s) while at the same time, help your friends, family and clients to manage and minimise the detrimental effects of stress on their mental and physical health?

The Mindfulness Meditation with Horses Teacher Training is also available onsite in the south of Francefind out more

Everyone who has ever owned a horse knows that it is an expensive business.

Horse business owners especially, know that profit margins are narrow and can easily be wiped out by unexpected expenses.

  • Suddenly your horse gets colic. You manage to save him but the vet’s bills are outrageous.
  • The owner of the pasture that you have rented for decades decides to sell it and you have to move your horses to another, more expensive pasture
  • The cost of hay quadruples because farmers could not make much hay because of the wet weather
  • The cost of grain increases, delivery costs increase or you have to travel further to pick it up
  • An injury puts a horse out of action so that it can no longer work and earn its keep
  • Your horse dies and you have to buy a new one to be able to run your business
  • You run a horse rescue charity and suddenly have to take on several horses in very bad shape

All horse owners need to earn extra income to provide for the needs of their horses from time to time.

Horse business owners are always keen to attract more clients, whether they offer riding lessons, trail rides, equine massage, osteopathy, homoeopathy, or equine-assisted coaching/therapy. Even authors who write books about horses can do with finding more readers for their books.

What if I tell you you can easily do that, without the need for more time-consuming training or expensive equipment?

I have been doing exactly that, for the last decade.

I have owned horses, first 2, then 4 and finally 6, for the last 15 years. I know exactly how much it costs and how quickly costs can escalate unexpectedly.

To keep my horses, I have had to find a way to earn extra income using what I have to hand, what I know and with the help of my horses, especially during 2020 when my income dropped to near nothing during the lockdowns.

My main job is hosting residential mindfulness and meditation retreats, with the help of my horses, here in the south of France. People who struggle with stress, come from all over the world to stay here with us and learn about mindfulness and meditation, as stress management strategies, from my horses.

Until March 2020, when suddenly, right at the beginning of retreat season, France went into lockdown. I had to cancel all my spring retreats, most of my summer retreats… and then many of my autumn retreats. I used the lockdown to condense my retreats into half-day, one-day and two-day courses.

As soon as it was allowed, I started to run short Stress Less with Horses courses, for people who live in the immediate vicinity. I finetuned and streamlined my course during 2020 and 2021 and in autumn 2021, I put the course online.

This means that YOU can now use my Stress Less with Horses Course to earn as much money as you need, without having to waste time on travelling, studying for hours, retraining your horses or buying expensive equipment. You can even make a full-time business presenting this course.

Everything you need will be at your fingertips and you will be able to read through all the material in less than 2 hours. I tell you exactly what to do, step-by-step and provide all the extras you need. At the end of the course, you will know exactly how you can help your clients apply mindfulness to make profound positive changes to their lives, with the help of your horse(s).

How can YOU substantially increase your income with the help of your horse(s)?

You can use this course to

  • Easily generate Income without needing another qualification or expensive equipment, especially during traditionally quieter periods ex during the winter
  • Attract new clients to your horse business whether you are offering riding lessons, trail rides, equine massage/osteopathy/homoeopathy etc or equine-assisted coaching/therapy
  • Use this course to increase your clients’ ability to focus and concentrate on what you are teaching them
  • Make a dramatic difference to your clients’ lives enabling them to handle stress much more effectively
  • Greatly entertain your horses! – just joking – with this course non-ridden horses can earn their keep and traumatised horses can get used to being close to people without feeling pressurised

You can present this course as

  • a half-day/one-day workshop/retreat,  
  • a two-day mindfulness with horses workshop/retreat – residential or non-residential
  • an introduction to a coaching/therapy program to help your clients be more attentive during equine-facilitated coaching and equine-assisted psychotherapy sessions
  • to prove to your significant other, friends and family that your horse(s) CAN earn their keep!

“But,” you say, “I don’t know how to teach other people how to be more mindful.”

As a horse owner, or as a horse business owner, we have all noticed what mindfulness masters horses are, always present in the moment as prey animals intent on escaping predators.

So it doesn’t matter that you are not a mindfulness expert, the horses are, and always have been. What’s more, I have been hosting Mindfulness and Meditation with Horses retreats for the last 15 years since I retired from my career as a medical doctor. I have written 5 books, countless articles and blog posts and I have presented several masterclasses. I know what it takes to present a life-changing course and I am going to share that with you.

“But,” you say, “if clients are going to trust us to help them, won’t I need some sort of further qualification to prove that the horses and I know what we are doing? I don’t have time to drive to and attend lectures and I don’t have tons of money to invest in expensive training.”

I get that, I don’t either. That is why this course is available online so that you can go through it whenever you have time. It is a short, but packed-to-the-brim with useful information course, focusing only on the knowledge you need to start running this course/workshop/retreat as soon as possible. Everything you need is available to you right here, on your laptop/tablet/phone.

And you will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course, to put up on your wall or add to your website and e-mails.

Introducing the Mindfulness Meditation wth Horses Teacher Training Online Course

Thank you! The course was excellent. To the point and straightforward. I appreciate it! Jorden Metz

All you have to do is go through the bite-sized tutorials – based on my 15 years of knowledge and experience running courses and retreats – and download the aids (questionnaires, worksheets, certificates) that you will be using when you present your course.

I will even help you to advertise your course – the course includes the invitation you can send to clients/ use to make a leaflet that you can distribute to local businesses.

Can you see yourself, sitting with clients near where your horses are peacefully grazing in the shade, telling them how your horses have taught you how to be more mindful? How mindfulness helped you cope when your horse colicked and it took all your strength just to stay present in this moment, and in this moment, to keep your horse walking? Can you see the wonder on your clients’ faces, when they gather after the mindfulness meditation you and your horses guided, to tell you about the amazing insights they received, or the surprisingly simple solutions to complex problems that became apparent while they sat quietly with your horse(s)? Can you see yourself walking confidently into the feed shop, to buy your older mare the very best grain money can buy, knowing that she has easily earned the wad of notes money in your back pocket, helping you to present this course, by being nothing more than her sweet self?

If you too would like to start earning extra income with your horses, so that you can easily afford whatever they need, while at the same time helping your friends, family and clients to stress less, then you are going to want to start using this course right away.

Here’s what you get when you buy this course:

• 15 compact tutorials explaining exactly how to help your clients manage stress, that you can read through in less than 2 hours
• An irresistible invitation to attend your Stress Less course, short and to the point without being pushy, that you can copy, paste and adjust in an email/leaflet as if it is coming from you/your business
• An example of an easy-to-make-you-own promotional video
• The Safety Precautions around Horses leaflet that I send clients before they attend all my retreats/masterclasses/courses, which you can change/improve according to your own preferences
• A ready-made PowerPoint Presentation recorded as a video (without sound) that you can use to present the course. You can pause at each slide for as long as you need while you discuss the content of each slide with your clients
• The “How Stressed are YOU?” Quiz to help your clients determine how much they could benefit from being more mindful
• Two easy mindfulness exercises to teach your clients that will help them destress instantly as well as the two worksheets that go with these two exercises
• The Equine Mindfulness Meditation Script that you can read as is, or adjust the way you want, to guide a mindfulness meditation with your horses
• A Completion Certificate for each client who takes part in your Stress Less with the help of your Horses course, as well as a Certificate of Completion for you, proving that you have completed this course
• A detailed explanation of how you can double/even triple the income of each course
• A follow-up email with a survey and request for a review to use next time you present this course
• Support for you, as the presenter of the course, including a public-speaking visualisation meditation video

Just in case this sounds too good to be true, look what others are saying about the Mindfulness Meditation with Horses Online Teacher Training:

“Thank you very much for a great learning experience – I discovered this course just in time  – during a financially very difficult time – and it has helped me out of a mess of epic proportions. I am definitely recommending this course to others.” Emily L.

“I admit, I was sceptical, but as I worked through the course material, I could see how I could make this work for me. And for my clients. With my horses. So I did. The biggest plus for me is that it also attracts new clients to my business.” Susan B.

If your horses are eating you out of house and home, buy this course. You will recoup what you spent on it with your first workshop. I never thought I would have the guts to do something like this. Not only did I manage, but I had fun doing it. Not as much fun as my horses though! High time those precious pasture pets started earning their keep.” Kate E.

Since you’re still reading, I am going to assume that you like what you see. Maybe you are even thinking that this course is exactly what you need to earn more money and attract more clients to your horse business while helping your course participants (and yourself!) cope better with stress.

By now, you are probably wondering “How Much Is It?”

The cost of the course, with everything mentioned above included, is 199 euros.


Please send an email to if you cannot access the course on the learning platform

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